The first renewal of the Red High 10K on Saturday luckily avoided the torrential rainfall of last year’s event, the rain having fallen the day and night before in sufficient volumes to turn some of the country roads if not into rivers then mudbaths would be an apt description. In spite of the ominous looking clouds which hovered above the start line the race itself saw the sun emerge from its mid term break and raise the temperature to
uncomfortable levels for the runners. Unfortunately the showers afterwards were not solar powered, though in fairness the fliers only said there would be showers not whether they would be cold or hot!
The race was won by East Down’s Brendan Teer in 34.28 which was almost 3 minutes ahead of last year’s winning time. Afterwards Brendan said he was more than happy with his run when compared with his comeback run of 34.33 in Bangor 3 weeks ago on a much easier course. Second place went to Dromore’s evergreen Nigel Grier 38.59 with local man Daniel Napier 39.08 unattached, in third.
Like last year Matthew McGrattan took first Junior prize, his time of 39.48 representing a new PB and showed the difference a year makes when compared with his 2016 time of 40.36. Owen Edwards 41.53, 2nd last year had to settle for 3rd this time as Adam Bell 41.39 pipped him for 2nd spot. Great running form all these young guns.
The big question I’m asking is “Where were all the Red High pupils of a similar age to the aforementioned, who should have been out there representing their school and vying for the bragging rights as fastest kids on the block ?”
Perhaps next year’s organisers will pay some attention to this aspect as I believe there is a lot to be gained from involving every year class in the school, with some of the younger pupils running the Relay. It would be great to see representatives from every class in the school taking part.
East Down completed a Senior double when Catherine O’Connor 39.44 claimed the Ladies 1st prize ahead of Joelene Scott 46.51, unattached, with Murlough’s Nicola Mathers in third place.
The first Relay team to finish was Callum McCabe and Conor McGrath, in second place overall In a time of 37.25 while in second place and third overall was Ronan McVeigh and Joe McCann in 37.52.
This year’s event was organised by the A2 Senior Sports Science Class in the Red High and it has to be said that the reaction from the participants was “ a superbly organised and extremely well marshalled race”. I ran the race too and I could not agree more. Well Done to everyone involved – not only that but they’re a great bunch of young people, a credit to their parents, their school, their teachers but most of all their age group.
Far away from the relative comfort of the country roads around Downpatrick, two of East Down’s most recent converts to the joys of mountain running Gavin Hynds and Niamh Kellett were experiencing the thrills of 35K of ascending and descending the highest peaks in the Mournes not once but in some cases twice before the final assault on the mighty Slieve Donard was launched. Gavin and Niamh set off together and stayed that way until they crossed the Finish line some 5 hours and 55 minutes later. Niamh was in fact 4th Female to finish overall and was first in the Over 35 category. As an indication of just how difficult a test it was can be taken from the fact that only 153 out of the 194 who started, actually finished. Congratulations to Niamh and commendation too to Gavin for his efforts and to everyone who completed the entire course. A mighty achievement.
Saturday afternoon also saw the trials for the NI Masters teams to represent Northern Ireland in the British and Irish Masters Championships which are being held in Foyle Gransha Park Derry on 18th November. East Down had 2 representatives – Martin Willcox in the Over 45 category and Paul Burns in the Over 40s, with qualification for both to be the first 6 finishers in each. Martin placed 7th in 29.39 in his category and was selected as a reserve, while Paul who was 6th in his category in 30.11 after a tough battle in very testing conditions, qualified for the team. Congratulations to both and Best Wishes for 18th.
And what lies ahead..
It’s back to cross country fare next Saturday with Round 2 of the League in Kilbroney Park, Rostrevor, including the NI and Ulster Even Age Group Championships and the Bobby Rea Memorial. Entries for Senior Races on the day. All welcome to bolster the numbers!
And there’s more – Don’t forget your dinner money!
All tickets for the Anniversary Dinner that have been “held over”, should now be paid for and anyone else still planning to attend, please get in touch with Janine asap or call to the Club Monday or Thursday before or after training. We also have sent out this email and would like you all to have a hoke in the cupboards and see what you can come up with.
Dear Member/Friend of EDACWe are keen to get our hands on memorabilia and photos to cover the 30 year life of the Club. We would really appreciate it if you could have a think if you have anything of interest. Any medals or plaques referring to significant achievements or PBs worthy of sharing? Framed photos could be displayed on the night and returned immediately after. Loose photos could be scanned in either by yourself or by passing on to Janine and Alison who will ensure the safe keeping and prompt return of the same. Any newspaper cuttings? Any significant anecdotes?All gratefully received and the sooner the better to let us make the best use of it. Please reply directly to
Joe Quinn
23 October 2017