The third of the McGrady Junior Cross Country races took place on Sunday in Tollymore, this time hosted by Newcastle AC. EDAC Juniors turned up full of enthusiasm and took their turn as the different age groups were called to the start. The course involved 750m anticlockwise loops around the Monument so provided spectators many opportunities to support.
Older athletes (years 11-14) ran together first and it was great to see them get support as they started each fresh lap on their 3.5 loop course. Although this age group ran together, they are split into Years 11/12 and Years 13/14 for results. Alex Robinson, a year 11 runner, was the overall winner of the combined race in 8.28, over 1 minute ahead of the second placed athlete in the Year 11/12 race. Thomas Magee placed third for EDAC in the Year 11/12 race in a time of 9.37 and Matthew Taylor 5th in 10.43. Other commitments and illness meant Jacob Crawford was the sole male runner in the Year 13/14 race. He finished strongly in 8.57. Sarah Gilchrist ran strongly and got another podium place, this time one higher than last week, and placed second in 10.47 with Charlotte Bar hot on her heels in third in 10.54.
The races continued in age descending order with age groups running girls and boys together. Caelan Morgan placed second in a time of 6.20 in the year nine race with William Tayor in 4th in 7.29.
The second and third podium places were achieved by Dillon Hynds (5.36) and Rory Kinsella (6.14) respectively in the year eight boys race with Oscar Keown in fifth in 6.21. In the same race Annie Canavan placed fourth for the girls and Aoife Gilchrist 5th even though she was loaded with the cold.
Year seven girls had the most EDAC participants. Orlaith Keary gained top of the podium position in 4.53 with Alice Taylor in third in 5.32, Maria Rooney in fourth in 5.52 and Isla Taylor in 5th in 5.58.
Mack Canavan finished just one second behind second place runner in 3.58 to come third and was the only EDAC runner in the primary six race. Amber Keown, again the only EDAC runner in the same race, again placed third in 4.52.
Rosa Canavan just pipped Faith Kellett to second place in a thrilling sprint finish in the Primary five race with times 3.42 and 3.45 respectively.
The final race of the day was the primary four and under. It was Oisin Taylor’s first race in the EDAC vest, and he mastered the course well coming just two seconds behind Coen Canavan in 2.14 in fourth position. Welcome to racing Oisin. Willow Keown had a great race, placing third in the girls race in 2.31.
Thanks to all the EDAC parents and coach Paul for their support and well done to ALL our runners. It is great to see so many get points for EDAC. Good work Juniors! Also, thanks to Ryan Mc Donald for the fantastic pictures which recorded the atmosphere of the day so well.
The final race in the series is next Sunday and will the rescheduled EDAC hosted race at Delamont. Let’s hope the weather gods are on our side this time.