Gerry Duffy will be coming to the EDAC Clubrooms on Thursday 28th July to deliver a motivational presentation.
“Gerry Duffy is a professional motivational speaker, goals setting coach and writer. His sporting CV is filled with accomplishments such as running 32 marathons in 32 days as well as winning the 2011 UK DECA Enduroman Iron distance challenge, an event dubbed ‘The toughest ten day endurance challenge in the World’.
Back in 1995 Gerry Duffy dropped over 4 stone in weight as he recognised he had a significant weight problem. This resulted in him taking up running at the age of 27. His sporting CV is now filled with accomplishments that many deem impossible. Gerry Duffy firmly believes that human beings can do far more than we give ourselves credit for and is keen on leading by example. Gerry Duffy’s first book, WHO DARES, RUNS went into the Top 4 list of Best Selling Books in Ireland within 6 weeks of its release in 2011 and was nominated for the WILLIAM HILL Sports Book of the year.”