Dear Parent/Guardian
Further to information delivered at the Induction Night and subsequent e-mails/social media posts sent by East Down Athletics Club, the uptake of parental/guardian volunteers has been very disappointing. The Health and Safety (H&S) of your children is of paramount importance to the coaches and Management Committee of the Club all of whom are volunteers and fully support the training programmes in place. Unfortunately without parental input, East Down Athletics Club will have no option but to substantially reduce the number of children attending
Therefore in order to ensure that H&S is not compromised the Committee has now decided on the following course of action:-
From now on It is a requirement that all parents/guardians of children attending either one or both of the Monday and Thursday night sessions must put their name forward to volunteer as part of a rota.
To action this, a spreadsheet of time slots will be put up at the entrance to the Clubrooms and parents/guardians are asked to put their name next to one of the slots/dates to confirm availability. If everyone co-operates, your attendance will be an infrequent requirement based on the current attendees.
This process will be fully reviewed for the new registration period in April 2018 with the requirement to volunteer on a rota forming part of the registration process.
Thank you for your support with this matter. Anyone who cannot help for any reason or who has a query should speak to one of the coaches or committee members at the earliest opportunity.
Best wishes
EDAC Committee