Saturday began dull, damp and foggy, a typical early December day and the feeling of depression it engendered was not eased any by difficulties encountered with my word processing system. You know the sort of thing, when the machine which you are in total control and charge of, suddenly closes down and all your inspirational and potentially Booker prize winning prose is lost, without so much as a “Would you like to save this?”
Allowing for the fact that 2 hours slipped past during this session, when I should have been shopping or at least sampling the delights of some local coffee shop, you’ll perhaps appreciate my mood as I left the house at 11.30am. Even allowing for the fact that it was Seeley Cup day, one of the highlights of the road running fixtures and one of my favourite events, to which I was looking forward to immensely, I was not a happy bunny.
So after stocking up with some replacement lighting accessories, to lighten my mood, I paid a visit to Tel’s recently opened coffee shop and enjoyed a splendid latte and a toffee scone. The day was already brighter as I headed off to Belfast to my usual marshalling spot in Ormeau Park, with plenty of time on my side, or so I thought.
Anyway the traffic gremlins were at their work, beginning on the outskirts of Saintfield, where a street market which, on reflection, I realised I knew about, was causing long tailbacks into the village. However when you’re in the middle of a traffic jam there is no point in remembering the traffic bulletin you heard earlier, it only adds to your frustration. Does your memory do that on you too? I mean mine is perfect at remembering things it just has a serious timing defect!
By the time I reached the entrance to the Ormeau Embankment on the Ravenhill road, it was closed off. Not only that but it was totally deserted so I had no option but to drive on, cross the Albert Bridge and turn up the Ormeau Road to enter the Park by a different gate. I made it at 2.10pm, just twenty minutes before the race was due to start. Not so lucky were a group of EDAC runners who were delayed in Saintfield and who only just made it to the start in time. So annoyed by this disruption to their pre-race rituals that several of them dropped out after one lap, which kind of put my day in perspective.
However despite all these negatives what a lift to spirits was the sight of the leading group as prominent was the unmistakable shape of Neil McCartan alongside a formidable quintet comprising Mark McKinstry, Ben Branagh, Paddy Hamilton, (the last 3 winners of Jimmy’s Ten) Conall Kirk and Chris Madden. By the end of lap 2 Branagh and McKinstry were clear of McCartan, Kirk and Madden and it was a superb run by Madden to eventually finish third. However one week after he had been beaten comprehensively in the Malcolm Cup in Ballyclare, Kirk produced a blistering burst of speed which took him clear of Neil who had to yield not only to Kirk but to the fast finishing Conan McCaughey. Although a little disappointed that he slipped to 6th position in the last 500 metres he nevertheless was pleased to have set a new PB of 31.25, knocking over 80 seconds off his previous best and is up for another exciting race next year, but with the intention of providing a very different outcome. He certainly gave all the spectators, especially this one, a huge lift in morale.

Neil McCartan 763 in full flight chasing Chris Madden City of Lisburn in the Seeley Cup in the Ormeau Park
A little further back Paul Lloyd as predicted in these pages some weeks ago broke the magic 40 minute barrier with a fine 39.27 timing.
Donal Smith suffered a bit of hip niggle but enjoyed the course and posted a time of 50 minutes dead. Gavin McConvey’s time of 54.20 was a course PB by over 3 minutes.
Eimear Degan, was one of those who only made the start line by the skin of her teeth, then proceeded to set a PB of 53.13 for the distance and was our only female competitor on the day.
Davy Foster and Dee Murray were within sight of each other through the race but Dee came out on top in the last lap, using his years of experience to cross the line in 38.01 to Davy’s 39.19.
I noted too Connaire McVeigh, a former youth member of EDAC, striding to a magnificent 36.21 PB for present club Newcastle AC. And it would have been hard to have missed Andrew Telford as he cruised round 43.20 wearing a bright red duncher followed closely by his friend and co-organiser of the recent successful Co Down 5K championships in Downpatrick, Mick McCreesh in 44.39.
Another of those events which attract more and more runners these days this time brought 2 of our regular competitors and “one” who I thought should know better, to the genteel surroundings of Howth on Saturday. Phillip Vint, 3.38.54 was the first of the trio to finish what was described as 3 laps of an out and back course over Howth hill each time, the 6 climbs representing 2400 feet of climbing in all. He was followed home by the already referred to “one” above, Mark McDowell, in 3.46.1 with Declan Teague just behind 3.46.56. I think that concludes Declan’s marathon programme for the year with his total on 12 marathons completed. Stephen McCartan ran the half marathon as an alternative to the full 26.2 miles he had entered, citing some sort of flu bug as the reason for his decision. Unfortunately his name did not appear in the half marathon results as he is presumed to be alive.
Lara Proctor- Amos took part in a Santa run in Loughborough while younger sisters Keira and Mia upheld the family honour with good displays in the 5K Santa Run in Crossgar, a race in which Callum Kent finished in 3rd place overall out of a field of nearly 100 runners.
Pos | Bib | Athlete | Gender | Club | Finish |
1 | 47 | Kyle Ross | Male | Ballydrain Harriers | 00:16:31 |
2 | 95 | Thomas Compton | Male | Crossgar Harriers | 00:17:52 |
3 | 121 | Callum Kent | Male | East Down Athletics | 00:18:46 |
Roisin Gaffney chose to celebrate her birthday running the longer 5 miles race on offer and she finished in 50.49. A really consistent competitor is Roisin to whom I offer belated Happy Birthday wishes from all at Éast Down. Eamon Kelly was the first of the East Down contingent to finish in 10th place in 41.34 followed closely by the first EDAC Female Clare Carson in 43.21 in 14th place overall. Kevin Kelly was next in 47.52 followed by the ubiquitous Gavin McConvey 49.50, who had also turned out the day before in Ormeau.
Joe Quinn & Alison Carroll
3 December 8